Image of a clinician talking with a parent and two children in a clinical setting.

Graduate Certificate in Child Advocacy and Policy (Online)

Graduate Certificate in Child Advocacy and Policy (Online)

The Graduate Certificate in Child Advocacy and Policy provides students an interdisciplinary understanding of the role of a child advocate as seen through the disciplines of social work, psychology, and law.  This unique perspective equips graduates with advanced knowledge of child advocacy and child protection, with a particular focus on policy and practice issues relevant to vulnerable children and families.

The Certificate consists of 5 graduate courses (15 credit hours) and can be completed in one year.

View Certificate Requirements in Course Catalog

Following completion of the Graduate Certificate, students are encouraged to apply to the Master of Arts in Child Advocacy and Policy (Online). Students who maintain a 3.0 GPA may apply those courses to the MA in Child Advocacy and Policy. Students will then need to complete 7 courses to earn the MA.

For more information email us at or call us at 973-655-6971.

The Application for FALL 2025 is open

Apply to the Graduate Certificate Program

Requirements for application:

  1. Fee (waived for online Certificate)
  2. Essay

    Please provide a personal statement of no more than 1,000 words, in which you answer the following questions:
    How will earning a graduate degree (or graduate certificate) in child advocacy and policy help you reach your professional goals?

    • In what ways do your academic background and your professional experiences provide evidence of your potential for success in the program you selected and in your eventual career?
    • Please give specific examples of relevant coursework and/or professional experience.
    • If your undergraduate GPA does not meet the requirements (preferred minimum undergraduate gpa of 2.5), please make sure you address why and how you plan to mitigate it.

    How do you identify regarding positions of privilege and/ or marginalization?  

    • How have those positions influenced your professional/ social situations?
    • Serving children and families requires working with individuals of all cultures, races, ethnicities, and other diverse and varied backgrounds. Please describe your commitment to and engagement with social, racial, and/or economic justice.

    Address what, if any, challenges you have had or foresee to have, balancing work/ life/ coursework. How do you plan to address these challenges, if admitted to the program?

     What has your previous online academic experience been? ‘

  3. Official Transcripts (BA/ BS)